Today I went to a different church from the one I have been going to (one of the yucky decisions ive made) installed the correct meaning back into the word 'community'...
one of the weirdest things about this church was discovering that no less than 4 people go there who are ex-goldsmiths CU presidents. One of them dating back to 1981...I wasn't even born then and in those days there was around 100 members. gulp.
It was weird becuase of one of the other decisions I've made this week. To hand over as president. This has been a heart wrenching decision. Not becuase I'm surgically attached to the job (although it has somewhat become surgically attached to me!) but becuase there's noone obvious to hand over to. So what do you do?
Do you carry on when you know you are exhausted but know that God has used you throughout the year? Do you carry on shouldering the responsibility for something that no longer makes your heart beat faster becuase you know to let go is to risk things falling apart?
When all is said and done, I know I have to hand over for my own discipleship and for the discipleship of the CU...The CU have become too reliant on me and I, similarly may have become too reliant on me. In order for the CU to grow and to step up to the plate of responsibility, I have to step down. And in order for me to start accepting God's authority over the CU a bit more and seeing his ownership, rather than mine, I have to step down.
This process has hurt as I've owned up to my pride and lack of reliance of grace. Recognsing that it's ok to walk away from something is bruising to the ego. At the same time, letting go has been freeing. I feel so much freer to spend time with my course friends and work on my degree which is what drew me to Goldsmiths in the first place. My year as president has been reall tough, and though I've learnt alot, and seen God do alot, it's caused much heartache aswell. That's leadership I guess.
I have to replace my concern for the future of the CU's leadership with prayer for it. Knowing that the CU is God's and I am not indispensable...I wait, excited to see what God will do with Goldsmiths CU becuase where his children are, there he is also.