endoscopy fun...yeah right.
urgh...today i had the delightful pleasure of having an endoscopy (pieice of piping with camera attached insterted through your mouth down into your stomach and small bowel). It was NOT fun.
At all...the weirdest part was when I had a minor panic attack when i was having the anaesthetic sprayed on the back of my mouth...(the least liekly point to panic!!)
The grossest part was constantly gagging for the duration and having a sucker to suck out the puke from my mouth...
The most interetsing part was when I learnt (afterwards) that my panic moment during the procedure was because the tube was going from my stomach to my bowel-obviously I didn't feel the difference but my body knew that there was something bad happening and told my brain and caused me to thrash around like a maniac all without me consciously understanding why I was but feeling massive amounts of 'ARGH get this thing out of me!'
The coolest part was when it finished and I got to take home a photo of my stomach...hehe!
The best part was it finishing...
Me to the nurse: 'That was the most horrible thing in the world.'
Nurse: "I take it you haven't had children yet?"
Me: "Nope, and now, thanks to you, I won't be."
You have a photo of your stomach and its not on your blog...
Btw, you need to fix that AAAAGHGHHG title its messing up the layout :)
I was about to say please DON'T show us the photo of your stomach.
Though it would be quite funny!
haha...now it is!!
I like the fact that ARGH destroys my layout..it adds emphasis!! :)
Hey Sis
Dad told me your stomach photo was on here - I'm so let down! Did anyone every tell you that your blog photo looks so like Mum - tee hee.
it is...look at the post above!!!
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