This weekend I've been at home in Aylesbury. It's been awesome to chat to different folk at my home church, young and old and just hear about what God's been doing in their lives and their love for Jesus. I find it exciting to be amongst people who from all different expereinces and backgrounds, different ages and different walks of life and discover that Jesus is the most important thing to them. I also find it humbling.
I'm humbled and challenged by 80 year old Audrey who spends hours every day praying and, sitting in front of her, during the sermon I hear the occasional, "amen", "hallelujah". Her heart is thrilled to know Jesus.
I'm humbled and challenged by one of my best friend's mum's who is deaf and tells me that she can't wait for when her daughter gets married (in the nicest sense of the word) becuase then they can move into a smaller house and use the money so she can stop working and give all her time to helping at the church; washing dishes, looking after kids. "Oh how that's my heart's desire" she says. And she means it.
I'm humbled and challenged by David who's wife is in a home and yet he never stops rejoicing. "This weekend has just got better and better for me. The more I hear about Jesus the more delighted I get." He's tired, he misses his wife and yet Jesus is his comfort and his joy.
I'm humbled and challenged by my uncle and cousin who have flown in from Colombia and Venezuala to see my nan. My uncle works for NTM training venzualan missionaries to reach the tribes and my cousin who works for an organisation that trains pastors in colombia in stratiegic discipleship programmes. My uncle started his training at 17 and has been a missionary ever since. His 4 children have all gone straight into the misison field too. Many people may say this is irresponsible, I think it's sacrifice and demonstrates hearts in submisison to God.
I'm humbled and challenged to ask myself, 'how much do I love Jesus?' and 'how much do I earnestly seek the priorities he has for my life?' 'how often do i chose comfort over sacrifice both in time, money and energy?'
"To those whom he has given much, much will be expected."
"Love the Lord your God with all you heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength, and love you neighbour as yourself."