Tuesday, April 11, 2006

becoming fully human

It's been intersting doing a "blog round" and having a nosey at what has sturck those most that have bean at Word Alive. I actually didn't go to very much during the week but had amazing times chatting with some close friends and gospel centred folk, gaining perspective and enthusing about Jesus.

Going through Colossians during the week and reflecting upon this has just made me in awe of the gospel and grace once more. I have been really challenged to ensure that my repentance ALWAYS leads to rejoicing in the gospel and grace. Richard Cunningham's intro to communion on Saturday hammered this home. How often do I sit during communion and beat myself up, praying prayer upon prayer of repentence for my lack of faith, lakc of zeal, and the hurried prayer of thanks for the cross. That's SO what its not about.

I have also been really excited again about my identity, that I am clothed in righteousness. As such I should put on those beautiful clothes, my new clothes and stop going back to those old smelly clothes that don't fit and are just foolish to wear. I am someone new and I am totally free.

"Christ did not come to make us christians but to make us human." (Rookmacher) My life in faith shouldnt be defined by what I don't do but those things that I am, the life in abundance that God has given me and the grace which is poured into my life.


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