Thursday, September 30, 2004


How is it possible that with one phone call and one invitation for a coffee life can be turned totally upside down? Why is it that sometimes when you're trying to explain something it all comes out topsy turvey becuase the other person actually doesn't want to listen. Or maybe they're just scared to. Why is it today that I carry the flack for the actions of others and I carry the blame for a relationship gone wrong? Is it possible that when two are tangoing one can step on the other's toes more often than the other? Can it be 6 of one and three quarters of a dozen of the other? Why is it that my feelings just don't count for anything anymore?

Monday, September 27, 2004

where am i?

I wish I had more time....

My internet counter says i have only 7 minutes left of precious time and so much to write.

I will, I promise in the next couple of days send forth more ramblings. But this is all for now.

I wonder when my mind will catch up with my body. For right now I think my mind is still doing Theology in Belfast and my body is doing media and sociology in London. Spiritually though I'm definetly right here right now. A mixture of being drained from those influences around me but so built up by the beauty of church familys in Peckham.

Monday, September 20, 2004

jerkchicken sundays

'Worn out teddy bear' is a very apt description of New Cross. The culinary delights and hair salon options add to it's character and appeal. In fact I don't think ive seen anywhere yet where I, with regular english hair could get a decent cut. Maybe I should grow an afro. Yesterday our flat had a 'bonding dinner'. Forget Sunday roast... Caribbean Jerk chicken is far more culturally appropriate. After standing, all 8 of us, in a tiny takeaway for about an hour we rushed home (all the way across the road) to sample jerk, intending for this to be a regular sunday 'family' thing. 'Jerk chicken Sundays'. After half an hour (and later, one sick housemate) 'Jerk Chicken Sundays' had mysteriously changed it's name to 'takeaway Sundays'!

soaking it up

Here I am sitting in an internet cafe on the borderlands between New Cross and Peckham, soaking in the delights that South East London has to offer and catching up on myself.

I'm relishing the fact that this hotch potch of cultural diversity is to be my new home for the next 3 years (although after the Belfast experience I'm a little more cautious about that phrase!) and enjoying getting to know my new found friends. I'm living with 5 girls (3 of whom are American-that defintatley makes me feel like im in Belfast again) and 1 guy, which is slightly random. He's loving it already. we're all doing either media, music or theatre and have all had 'other experiences' in between school and Goldsmiths. Subtle placement=interesting conversations. My ensuite room impresses me considerably and my choice of Sunday morning activity - church vs sleeping in has already prompted some fascinating and oh so exciting conversations. Little do they realise that Im now praying...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

a change of scenery

london here I come... Posted by Hello

My lack of blogging for the last 2 weeks has been entirely accidental and is due to manic running around as the countdown is almost at an end. Where has the time gone?

As of Saturday my new home will be New Cross in South East London. Am I looking forward to it? Definately. Is it surreal? Most definately. I guess the decision took such a long time to make and I find myself doing something so totally different from what I expected this time last year. For back then, I was to be in Belfast for 3 years. Somehow I find myself back on the other side of the sea. I've spent 6 months as a support worker for autistic adults, am no longer with the person I was supposed to marry (ironically I'll be 15 minutes down the road from him), have spent a month in South America and have done a total U-turn of degree and city! And yet I am quite possibly happier than I've ever been.

Monday, September 06, 2004

backward rolls

"I may not have gone where I intended to go but I think I have ended up
where I intended to be."

Lonely Planet guide sites this as somewhat of a fascinated me....

The direction I have gone is certainly not what I intended. Although I always wanted adventure and nothing quite run-of-the-mill. So in that sense I have ended up where I intended to be. But such is the beauty of it all, the twists, the turns, the somersaults and backward rolls.

Friday, September 03, 2004

discovering 02...

My new phone arrived today which excited me immensely. It’s a nokia, all singing, all dancing 6230. You name it, it does it. Free with my new contract. But can I get the mulit media messaging to work? Nope. With Orange I could just phone their free phone number and they’d answer my every question. Did I realise O2 were an internet company. Nope. Duh! To phone, it’s 50p a minute…come back Orange, all is forgiven!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'm a chef, nurse, psychologist, accountant, cleaner, entertainer, friend and family member

I've had an 'I love my job' day today. Actually I've been having them frequently for the last 3 weeks, but daily this one. Support work isn't a career plan but skills; chef, nurse, psychologist, accountant, cleaner, entertainer, most importantly friend and family member, have been valuable toward all. So why the sentimentality? Is it becuase the countdown timer has reached 2 weeks and the ending of segments tend to attract intensity in emotions? Is it becuase as time has dwindled confidence in my ability has grown? Is it just the combination of staff I've had the pleasure of working (and laughing at) with in the last few days? Is it becuase I've come to love our service users (yes, that is the name we attribute to the adults we support who have learning disabilities. Each is unique. Supposedly this protects confidentiality but something about it grates.) for their own little ways and rejoiced in the little improvements? Maybe just the cocktail has been pleasing. Yes i've had an 'I love my job' day today.