try again...
back to last week...
on tuesday night after kitting out the prayer room bill suggested we pray for the next couple of days, and committing the prayer room and all that would go on there to God. I don't think I've ever known a prayer meeting like it. a very real descension of God that forced us to our knees in awe and wonder. some in tears. spontaneous singing. the 5 of us, compelled to worship. like children on christmas eve he excited us by what presents we might unwrap.
throughout wednesday people went to that prayer room to spend an hour or two alone with God. writing prayers, verses onm the walls and words that they felt from God in a book. God touched individuals and as a CU encuraged us to pray bigger and ask bigger things. to expect God and allow God to move mountains. to change Goldsmiths into a college that honours him. prayers that were inspiring and prayers that were challenging.
Wednesdy night between 11pm-2am we were given half of the student union (1st floor is bar, 2nd floor is club area. we had the 1st floor) to rearrange how we liked-sofas, tables, pool tables etc and use all the bar/kitchen facilities. The provision of this was an absolute miracle. We gave out stacks of free tea and taost to those who were going to the main club night on the 2nd floor-busiest night of the week. We gave out 15 loaves of bread and had a great time chatting to freinds, making new friends and sharing the gospel to those who asked. which was alot. God blew our minds by how many people were keen to listen and know. And God blew me away by seeing CU people do things they never thought they could and by taking me and oraginsiing something that at times felt too big.
exhausted wednesday night i didn't sleep. i could only pray. and then felt awful on thursday!
thursday we manically made baguettes with humous, cheese etc, bought some wine and yummy cookies and set up a nice lunch bar area in one of the sudent union rooms. my housemates came which surprised me. another miracle. as did some other friends of people. adrian spoke and there was a good discussion afterwards-led by one of my housemates.
so what did God do in the long run? time will tell. we think that we're on the brink of something and we're excited by what may happen over the next months, years. i think we need to just keep praying big and not foget God is omnipotent. Even with a small CU God works. I think we learnt to stop trying to do it and just be.
To him who is able to do immesurably abundanly more than we can ask or imagine...