Wednesday, March 02, 2005

and be thankful

I'm beginning to believe that self-pity and negativity are the most damaging thing to the human soul. It's not that they are stand alone concepts but rather are often the by-product of something else inside; be that distrust, bitterness, jelousy, pride, the feeling we deserve better or simply a lack of thankfulness.

Don't get me wrong, there is a place to grieve and to be real about our siutation. But self-pity is so soul destroying becuase it causes me to look inward and fundamentally is me telling God what he is, isn't good enough. It's soul destroying becuase it stops me looking at the potential of the things that I do have and going after them with full motivation and speed.

It's a destructive thought process that in turn, creates a whole heap of negatie things within me. And, not like circumstances, it can be helped. It's mind over matter. an active focusing away from self and outward thinking, a conscious decision not to think, and then a reality check on the good things that I'm blessed with

The phrase 'always look on the bright side of life' sounds trite and cliched and yet there is great wisdom in it. Paul was a great advocate of this one and man, if anyone had the right to self pity and negativity, he did. He knew what he was on about and I'm sure he didn't say it lightly when time and time again he says 'and be thankful.'

And how can I do this? I just have to 'BE thankful'


At 4:11 pm, Blogger Maddy said...

I have just been looking at 'image' in the bible. I know its not exactly the same as self pity, but sometimes we can be totally inward looking, rather than outward. We need a healthy balance of both. We looked at Romans 12:3 which says about looking at yourself rightly-having a healthy outlook on things.
It all comes down to sin in the end I suppose. Even with Self Image. We think we know better than God by saying that he didnt create us in the way that he's said in the bible (ie special) and so we are sinning by saying that we are worse than we are. We need to cling on to God (im talking to myself here too) and to his promises, and love that he has for us. Seeing the good in times of bad. (So difficult) We also need to learn how to re-think things. Placing the facts of the bible before our feelings. I find it so hard to be thankful, especially about last year, but then again I learnt so much about myself, and others, and I wouldnt have ended up here being so thankful if I hadnt had gone through last year. Makes you think though :) We have so many things to be thankful for. We just need to be constantly reminded.

At 11:29 am, Blogger becci brown said...

Amen. There's no reason not to be thankful, I have discovered. Even when there are difficult things, and there always are gonna be. So we may aswell at the start of our lives create an attitude of positivity, that when things are tough, instead of turning inward and sitting and crying on our beds, immediatley give it oevr the God and determine to look at the world and ourselves the way he does.

At 8:50 am, Blogger Daniel said...

I know what you're saying, but I don't think its that easy in the real world. We go through times when we're down and its really difficult to see the positive - and in that situation its not 'mind over matter' that's going to help, only God. So we've got to be so careful about presenting that idea to other people. For example, how would you have replied a year ago if I'd said 'just look on the bright side of life'? You'd have probably hit me!

At 11:52 am, Blogger becci brown said...

dude, this is my blog where I write about whatI'm thinking through. I honestly don't use i as a place to sit in judgement oevr others and tell them how to live!! Sorry, if you ever think it is!!

What I was going through last year was an illness of mind. And I wouldnt' have got through it without a disciplining of my mind. And actually, these thoughts spring form that; for recognising that unless i discipline myself in non-self-pity, depresion will always be the next port of call.

so sue me for wanting be positive about life!!!

At 8:20 pm, Blogger Daniel said...

Didn't mean to imply you personally were judging anyone. But a lot of people will and it makes the problems I had at uni in my 2nd year worse. The key I've realised is 'validating' the others persons emotion - i.e. sympathy. It was something I had been thinking about since the weekend, so it just cropped up as a response to what you were saying.
Sorry, didn't mean it to be a criticism.

At 1:23 pm, Blogger becci brown said...

no totally, I totally agree. elemntary my dear watson. everyone ahs struggles and we need to listen and sympathise. Hwoever, as I have said eahc time what I am talking about is self-pity (the wallowing). There's a massive difference between self pity and realism of hurt, but the line is very subtle to cross. I'm not condemning crying, hurting, pain-that's a part of life. What I am personally condemning in my own life is when that gets dwelt upon more than it need be.

also, and i say this in all gentleness: a careful reading of what i wrote will make clear that i have been saying this all along!!


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