so i decided this weekend to broaden my horizons. or rather i broadened them and then decided to do it. not for any particular reason. or maybe becuase this time last year, and the year before, was so crazy and now, moving into the anniversary of those months, of so many things happeneing in and around february and march, i realsie being truly happy, and being in a truly different situation from one i ever ever imagined or wanted to imagine on some parts, i wanted to have fun.
actually that's all crap. there was no thought behind it. i mean there's been those thoughts but those weren't connected to this weekend of horizon broadening...
on friday we had our first committee meeting of the CU which was truly horizon broadening as i reflected on the last few, motivated the committee for the year to come and realised some gifts God has bestowed into my character since taking this role that i neevr knew i had. collectively we broadenied our horizons as we agreed to be a risk taking people within the CU this year. to get out of the boat, to walk on water, to fail extraordinarily, not ebcuase we want to, but beause we will if we start taking big risks, but to be excited for what God will do.
On saturday i did something ive wanted to do for a while. i got my nose pierced. it looks great. i do not look like a slag. just don't tell my dad. i also bought the coolest skirt you ever did see but wearing it yesterday in the windiest day ever i realised that becuase it's wrap around i was showing my backside off to the whole of london. i think their horizons were broadened, even if mine weren't!
On sunday I met up with a really good friend i havent seen in too long. one of those friends you have you live far away and you're alw3ays wishing you live closer. and then we do, and we didn't see each other. we kept trying but it never happened. until yesterday. it was fab. i realised again just why we had been such good friends. i went with her to her church in the evening, St. Helens. I haven't been but its one of those christian holes where you see random people you havent seen in years. like an old school friend. veyr bizzare, ery encouraging. and a friend of mine who i havent seen since i was 17. we were quite close then, ad have been a little in touch, but it was so good to catch up with him, and be reminded of some of the stupid things i did when i was 17. I realised that ive been living in a new cross, peckham hole, which may not have been helping with some of my processes. meeting a whole host of new friends, and old friends was liberating. and i've more or less agreed to go to serbia in the summer to work with refugees.
so today is valentines day. and it's a lovely day. a very different day to last years but i don't care. hoorah to singleness and hoorah to life.
ok so i did get 6 beautiful red roses....but that's another story...thanks dude.