Tuesday, October 18, 2005

10 semi notable weekend things

I thought I would jump on the band wagon of some fellow bloggers in the conquest of blog emptiness by filling with bullet points. Things that have happened this week but aren't worthy of their own blog...

1. Tea and Toast night at Student Union club night. EVERYTHING went wrong that could go wrong. Including my state of mind. I was already burnt out and ended up sobbing in the toilets...then on my vice-pres in the prayer room (what a prat I am)...Despite it all some great conversations as always. God continues to rock!

2. Going to my housemate's DJ night and not paying any attention to her set...becuase there was free food...if only i could make some new friends first... Oh yes. Margot and I made a whole company worth of friends on Thursday night and ate so much we spent the whole journey home complaining how sick we felt

3. Said night's journey home being the worst ever save for the fact some nice lorry men gave us 4 pints of milk at 2am and I got a ride on the lifting platform on the back of the lorry

(these first two really could be a blog of their own to be fair)

4. Drawing St. Paul's cathedral. Badly. Wishing I could draw well. Why oh why did my sister get all those genes?

5. Winning the nobel peace prize, becoming a prime minister, discovering the cure for the common cold, finding the soultion to pollution, heading up a humanitarian aid project whilst having a teachers profession and living in a caravan on a salary of £70,000. All in one lifetime.

6. Being asked out for the 3rd time by 'Mr. Gynaecology'(...there's a story in that one). And pondering the question why oh why do my bro's in Christ want to ruin the safe feeling I have with them?!?! (ooo how selfish I am. But seriously)

7.Having my trousers nearly fall down in kickboxing. I spent the whole of the warmup retying them and retying them and getting condescending looks from oh so serious martial artistes.

8.Going to cambrdieg to do photography for the CICCU mission. Feeing very small and insignificant in the world of CUs.

9. The frightening realisation that a phone call from the airport from mentioned in 'alls fair in love and war' lifted my miserable mood.

10. Climbing back into God's lap and knowing him sing over me.


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