Wednesday, October 06, 2004

arty farty

On Tuesday I took a trip to the Tate Modern with my friend Daniel, from home. Daniel's one of those 'ive known him all my life' guys. There's something so wonderfully stabilising and relieving about spending time with someone who knows you inside out and yet loves you anyway. As we trotted from piece to piece, room to room, turning our nose up at some, laughing at others, feeling just totally lost, bemused and confused by others, there were those pieces that drew us in, captured our attention and brought forth enagegment (with the art that is. not with each other. well we did engage, but in a conversation sense. not a ring sense. oh never mind). From our mouths that had been so used to shouting 'bus 21' and giggling through church came words such as 'signifies', 'resonates', 'composition', 'tone' and other scarily intelligent things. Usually we just concluded with a 'hmmm, very intersting...' which wasn't particularly inteliigent. But it was. Interesting.

It got me thinking...about Christian Union. Strangely enough. Out of 3000 peeps that attend Goldsmiths, only 25ish go to the CU. Thats an 'ish' becuase it changes. Anyway. CU has been a lot of delights. But why is there so few christians at art colleges? Without wanting to launch into some ultimately naive and arrogant piece of theological rant there's 3 possibilities I've been wondering about of late...

1. Are Christians scared of art? It's that scary moment when you walk into an art gallery and bang! there's a naked lady staring you in the face. Or rather shes not, but her nakedness is. And all such like of stuff that we get so confused becuse were supposed to flee and keep our minds pure. But there is loads of stuff inside of art and media that is impure and a real challenge. It's down right scary. So it's easier to totally run away then poke a little toe in and attempt to engage.

2. Are Christians taught an upside down value system? (in terms of profession) Somehow are we subtly told that to be a doctor or teacher is more credible (especially if you can then use it on the mission field...!). Subjects that can advance society and help people. On the other hand, becuase there is always 2 (unless u have one missing), becuase we follow Jesus and Jesus was a social changer and activist we have a natral in built desire to serve mankind. Vocationally type jobs do lend themslevs better I guess. Ooo, but on the third hand, maybe it's just less scary.

3. sure there is a thrid point. Without making a really christiany joke...ok there we have it, I made it. My 3 point sermon needs a completion. It's not that I say this becuase I'm here at an arty farty place. I'm still scared. Goldsmiths is lucky. On average art college CUs have about 3 members. Are there other reasons? Is it just coincidence.

The greatest artist I ever met made me (giggle) and tells me im made in his image. So im off now to float a cow in phmaldyhide.


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