Monday, July 03, 2006

good theology, good food, good family, good fun

Last night when I realised the weekend was done, I noticed just how quickly it had gone and just how good it had been.

I spent the weekend at Richard and Ruth Cunningham's coverted mill house just outside oxford for the first student council weekend.

The weekend was one big happy jumbled mix of good food, sunshine, bouncing on the trampline, hanging out with their 5 awesome kids, awesome fellowship and long l;ong discussions around Mike Reeves' paper on churches and the CU.

We discussed the main issues that are pressing upon CUs at the moment and we especially focused on the theology of church and therefore the CU in light of the fact it is not church, from what small groups might be or not be to whether UCCF is 'inter-denominational' or 'non-denominational'!

We prayed for our regions and we discussed some of our part in the organisation and running of this year's 'Forum'

We played volleyball, we watched the football in a local pub, we ate more good food.

I marvelled at how great it was to spend a weekend with gospel loving folk eager to help CU's be living and speaking for Jesus. we laughed and i was given the entire potted history of Mary Queen of Scots.

I marvelled at Richard and Ruth and the awesome thing they ahve done to open their home in the way they do-the example that is and the way they use it not juts for UCCF groups but in the way theyre so intnetional with the folk in the village and all their friendships. Their sacrifce. Their love of the gospel compelling them.

I marvelled at Richard Cunnigham's round house kick.

And I marvelled again at the gospel.


At 6:03 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

At 6:34 pm, Blogger e. said...

I'm so glad that you could get away for the weekend and have a rich experience!

At 6:01 pm, Blogger étrangère said...

Sounds like a great w/e. Is that paper of Mike Reeves generally available or was it just for council perusal?


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