Wednesday, June 14, 2006

me, your sunglasess and the people i know 1

Following on from the train project taken with my mobile phone camera, i am working on a new series, complimentary to the first, but slightly different.

It continues the theme of communication, loneliness and identity, only instead of trains im using sunglasses.

In the summer, we hang out with people more than ever. The sun does something to our sense of community and our desire to be free. We wear less and and spend hours outdoors. And yet, we cover up. Sunglasses retain our sense of security and hideness from the world. And the mobile phone continues to be intrusive to the one-on-one real contact. We sepnd more time with each other in the summer and yet still manage to act in ways to barrier our intimacy, whether that's intentional or not.

Here is number one.


At 12:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in a friends garden last week. Their 3 year old (Daniel) picked up my sunglasses (he was already wearing a batman cape and belt) he ran into the middle of the garden and put the sunglasses on. He yelled one sentence as loud as he could. Then stood hands on hips proudly as we took in what had happened.

"I'm a different guy!"

We all fell about laughing at the combined profundity and hilarity of his words. I laughed because in some kind of way, when I wear my sunglasses, I do feel like a different guy. Truly, little Daniel has unmasked an independence in my character, that needs to be integrated into the whole, so that how I am when I'm wearing my trendy glasses is still as much me and Jesus as when I am begging him to heal my heart in the middle of the night. That little guy is a genuis to me.


At 12:20 am, Blogger becci brown said...

that is very cool, tom, thank you. You're right. We put on facades. But then im not sure it would be socially appropriate to be as intimate and real with everyone as we are in the middle of night with Jesus!!

At 3:12 pm, Blogger étrangère said...

Um, appreciate the sunglasses as façade thing, but... if I don't wear sunglasses I have to screw up my eyes all day cos I'm really photosensitive and then I get a headache and wahhhh!

At 6:34 pm, Blogger becci brown said...

and as the medics would tell us, its important for our eyes to wear sunglasses! i dont think it's a usually a conscious decsision to put on sungalsses to hide oursleves...but it is an effect it has. Though I definately feel cooler, more confident (?) when i have a pair of shades on!!

At 4:33 pm, Blogger étrangère said...

Yes it's true it has that effect, hiding us. Especially the really big really dark ones. I always feel slightly disconcerted trying to talk to someone through their visor. That's why I go for light coloured ones that my eyes can be seen through. Unfortunately they don't protect my eyes as much though...

And yes, probably when wearing sunglasses is the time I get nearest to feeling remotely 'cool' ;-)

At 10:32 am, Blogger Ant said...

lovin this theme - bring on the second in the series......


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