Saturday, August 05, 2006


Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed with sadness. My own sadness, the sadness of my friends, the lostness of my friends, the brokenness of my friends and people I know. I feel overwhelmed with sadness at stuff going on around the world, wars, natural disasters, poverty. sometimes when im in london, passing estates with smashed out windows, yellow billboards advertising the latest murder and desolation on the streets I feel overwhelmed with the needs of people to the point of paralsis and anxiety at how on earth anything can be done.

It's at times like this I am so glad that God knows and understands. I groan with creation, I groan with the groaners for the new heavens and the new earth; for restoration, for peace, for healing and wholness, for every tear to be wiped away and the day we will reign with the king. Meanwhile, my heart breaks.


At 2:21 am, Blogger Ant said...

know what you mean, sometimes it just gets to you...
and we pray 'your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven'
Even so come Lord Jesus.

At 11:02 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

amen to that ant. i'm with you on that as well Bec, it really is heart-breaking to see. I guess it gives you a small insight to how God feels about it. I find Phatfish's 'There is a day' dead comforting and encouraging though!


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