Saturday, May 06, 2006

beauty and deformity.

"I see poetry as the medium most similar to photography...or at least the photography I pursue. Like poetry, photography, is rarely successful with narrative. What is essential is the 'voice' (or 'eye') and the way this voice pieces together fragments to make something tenuously whole and beautiful."
Alec Soth
the series that this print is taken from is called 'Dog Days. Bogota'. Alec Soth and his wife adotped a little girl from Bogota, Colombia and he set about to 'capture some of the beauty that existed in this hard place.' Having spent the summer of 2004 in Bogota, these photos bought back memories and an interesting take on a city of simulatsously hardship and beauty.

Beauty and disformity. Creation and the fall. One day all will be made new but for now we live in a world that is at one time hard and at the same beautiful. Art that expresses just a utopian vision of the world is deceiving and unhelpful.That's not the world that exists and helps us understand nothing about what it means to live in the world that we do. The reality is of sheer beauty and yet utter depravity. The depravity makes us long for beauty, for wholeness, for the One who made all things beautiful and will one day start again.


At 8:45 pm, Blogger e. said...

Bec- you have a way with words. I was reading the other day, in 'The Magician's Nephew' about Aslan singing the world into creation. A cool thought. We are a love song sung into being. Kind of like Zeph 3:17, how He is singing over us. The hope that is in us is that someday we will be whole and complete, where there will no longer be the evil disformity.

I think we should do our NI road trip next summer, if you're around. :) We could bring Pod, and we'll do some beatboxing in the car! haha


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