Thursday, January 05, 2006

and here we go...

woobwoo!! i wrote a paragraph. It's the intro to the intro and I am so proud of myself im gonna post it. It's not fabulous but it's a start...

"What happens when a baby is born into the world, into a family who subscribe to a faith system and do so in a way that ensures the child knows more about Christianity than any other discourse, any other way of knowing the world, it's histories and geographies? Through the discourses the child partakes in, negotiates with and navigates her way through, what does the child grow up believing and knowing? What texts are influential in her subjectification and in her own understanding of herself? Are her beliefs a process purely of social construction, of engaging with discourses or is there something more? The child is me, born and raised in a very committed Christian family and now, 22 years later attempting to engage with ideas about my subjectification and asking questions of the discourses that have shaped, and continue to shape my personhood.

In order to attempt to answer this question I intend to autobiogrphically describe my life in three stages; my childhood, my teenage years and the present whilst engaging critically with theories surrounding social constructionsim, discourse and subjectivity. For each stage I will look at some key texts and discourses that I believe have shaped my subjectivity and I will attempt to understand these aswell as raising unanswered questions that I have regarding theories of social constructionism and truth."


At 5:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good!

Two observations. You overuse the word 'discourse'
And I think you should introduce the key question - Is subjectivism (The Kantian - Hegelian, philosophical kind or the cultural, sociologically studied kind) is an accurate description of reality, and as such an example of something that human minds grasp, as they emerge through their own subjectivism? Is it self-destructive as a perspective because it is hard to keep it local and stop it going global (in an ideaological sense rather than a geographical one)? Is it self-excepting? Are the Hegelian, Kantian and Heideggerian starting points of the subjectivists as solid and steady as they are often assumed to be?


At 5:54 pm, Blogger becci brown said...

thanks Tom, thats helpful...
I just don't know how i can ask those questions in the context of this essay...that is, in fact my main issue with this essay-i just dont know how to begin critiquing the argument. although those questions are good starting points. but i can't seem to find any books that are adequatly questioning in this way. im stressed. :(

At 7:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you just need to start to write, then as you write it will begin to get better.
Just describe the theories surrounding social constructionsim, discourse and subjectivity and link them into your experiences of them.
Then build your critique in note form, and then write it out fully (one main critique point in each paragraph) and slot that into the final stage of the paper.
Go for its presuppositions, attack it subjectivistic constructivism.
1. Moral (subjectivism leads into moral relativism and this is a morally wrong position)
2. Logical (in the initial articulation of subjectivism it does seem to commit a fallacy of self-exception)
3. Experiential (life would be rubbish for everyone if we all acted as subjectivism)
4. Pragmatic (The bus driver has his subjective perspective and you have yours. Do you cross the road when the bus is coming? nope, because it isn't all a matter of your past
5. Judicially ineffective (cite the case of the murderer whose lawyer claimed he was no less able not to murder than we are not to sneeze - how can we prosecute anyone for retributive justice?)
6. Logical - as well as being self-exception subjectivistic constructivism is self-defeating, after all, if everything I think and believe is a product of my environment, genese, chemistry and past, then so also is my assessment of subjectistic constructivism too.


At 10:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I am not doing the course you are doing!

At 4:45 pm, Blogger becci brown said...

thanks Tom. Much appreciated!

At 5:59 pm, Blogger becci brown said...

TOM, here's a question...when im quoting the Bible should I put book, chapter verse or just the usual academic method (author, date: page)




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