Sunday, January 01, 2006

fireworks, baptisms and joy

wow, what a beautiful way to start 2006...hanging over the edge of esther and adrian jervis' balcony with the Chilvers' and a bunch of other people popping party poppers and drinking champagne.

The balcony looks out across central pauls, the gerkin, tower 42, Tower Bridge and the London Eye. So as Big Ben gonged 1st Jan 2006 we saw hundreds of fireworks going off across the city and of course we saw the whole spectacular display at the Eye.

This afternoon, I went to Anne-Marie's baptism. She's the girl I meet up with to read he Bible and it's been such a blessing and encouragement to see her grow and to discover Jesus more together. Her church is majority phillipino and wow, what an expereince. I have never been to a church where people are SO outwardly expressive in 'doing church'. It definately added a new dimension to 'worshipping with the whole of your being.' What came across most was their real joy and delight in Jesus. Not a fake joy but a real focusing on the wonder of God and all his blessings. And ACTIVE decision to praise God despite anything else.That, if I had to make a resolution this year is it. To praise God and be thankful. It's so easy, in the face of difficulty to take my eyes off the goodness and beauty of God, of all He's done for me, and to sulk. God commands my praise. I am commanded to 'be thankful' (colossians) and not to complain or grumble. No matter the circumstance.

This year I want to know Jesus more and delight in him. To stop the grumbling. I need a change of heart, I need to be filled more with his spirit, with a spirit of humility and gratitude. That's realism. It's ok to cry, ok to mourn, but not to grumble and certainly not to forget the grace and awesomeness of my heavenly father.

Happy New Year.


At 9:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen! To adore Christ, to cultivate a grateful heart, to trust in His precious promises, and to rejoice in His goodness and grace changed heart indeed!


At 10:22 pm, Blogger Welshie said...


Have been reminded of the same things today.


At 10:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi becci,

have you seen our website? not strictly a blog, but a space for us to reflect, and share photos and what we're up to with friends and family back home.

enjoying your blog and cool to see that jon has joined the ranks.

besos, ems x

emma balch


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