Thursday, December 08, 2005

kickin butt

on a lighter note, I have spent last night hanging around the house in my kickboxing shoes and the new kickboxing trousers. (exhibit a)

i have also been taking advantage of our massive bathroom mirror to throw my legs and arms around in an attempt to make myself as mean and scary as possible...and I've been eating lots of protein as a last ditch attempt for more two hours i have an exam...or 'grading' as is the technical lanugage. So I can get a belt. Or that's the plan...

i haven't had an exam where my examiner is there with me, and therefore when i mess up, it's doubly mortifying, since my driving test 4 years ago (I shared the gospel with the examiner which...hmmm..well i passed...!) and before that, grade 5 piano and flute exams a good 7 years ago...*trembles*

I am absoutely wetting myself...


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