Monday, November 22, 2004

the paths im a treading

There seems to have been such a dramatic U-turn in the last year and I'm still staggering through somewhat the fog of uncertainty. But an exhilerating uncertainty. Too many opportunties (aside from my degree) are arising and falling into two categories...those continuing from the last few years - youth work, evangelism, talks and then this new and exciting path of media and photography. Both make my heart beat faster. But I can't do it all and I'm not sure which path I should be treading the most. Desi Maxwell, a wise lecture in Belfast said to me that sometimes God takes us down very different paths from what we expect. sometimes this becomes our lifetime path. Sometimes we go back to an earlier path but whatever we learn, emotionally, spiritually, practically on those paths it's never wasted.

Somehow I think I want to straddle two paths. But I don't want to do anything by halves.


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