Tuesday, December 20, 2005

a reminder of this...

Ok, so a while back I posted this picture and Pod also liked it so put it, along with the explanation on his site (www.livejournal.com/users/podbo)...Today on the train I was reminded of this work for the reason coming soon...

I'm working on a series of work called 'me, and the train, and everybody i don't know.' It's comprised of 4 prints taken with a mobile camera. Here's one of them...

It's an idea that's been growing for a while. London provides lots of train travelling opportunities and through all different situations. But there's always that feeling that somehow, whether it's 2 in the morning or rush hour the trains are still full of people that you don't know. And there's times when you're glad no ones looking, everyone's in their own bubble down on the tube. I’ve cried and I’ve fallen over on the tube and no ones batted an eyelid.

Then there's the fact that trains are just funny for the vast amount of different kinds of people you see. The stereotypes and the anomalies. It's all really a journey of thought into the post-modern city and how that makes you feel and it's communication.

The fact the photos are taken with a camera phone is particularly significant-again referring to communication. How we're able to be in touch with people quicker, cheaper and further away than ever before but yet we can still sit on a packed train and know nobody. It's a commentary on our times and our relationships.


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