Tuesday, December 20, 2005

on the trains...the journey continues....

So...in reference to the peice below, today i had a 'hefty' journey back to Aylesbury for christmas. Hefty becuas I was carrying too much and cos it was hassle-ful...being a girl I packed too many clothes-always a dilemma...what to take, what to leave. In moments like this it would be SO much easier to be a boy!

Then there are the books, the christmas presents, the shoes, the laptop, the camera...By the time it was all done I was very glad of the extra kickboxing muscle ive gained this term. Though still not enough for the load..."pack horse" took on a WHOLE new meaning...anyhoo..

By the time I got to Marylebone I was WRECKED. I got on a packed, rush hour train that only had 2 carriages. There was a seat left which i took. However, I had to manoevre all my bags into the overhead compartments. and they were like lifting a small adult onto a shelf. Not easy. Surrounding me were, being rush hour..lots and lots of suited, fully grown MEN. I smiled at a couple apologetically for taking my time and disturbing them. But did they offer to help? Haha. no. Eventually, I asked a guy to help me get my backpack over the heads of 5 other people into the shelf.

I sat down, hot, sweaty and somewhat disgruntled at these fat, balding middle age men who had never been taught gentlemanly skills. I thought bad thoughts about their unhappy christmasses and how i would NEVER marry a man like that. Then, I looked at each of the 5 men squashed in on me and none had a wedding ring. I instantly felt very bad for having such bad thoughts and actually started to feel kind of sorry for them!

To make matters worse, the guy sat opposite me, who's knees were touching mine, when he sat down I made some joke about it being like Christmas dinner-elbows touching, no space etc. And he spent the rest of the hour sneaking side glances at me and trying to catch my eye and smile...At one point i licked my lips cos id got froth on them from my coffee...he half nervous giggled. Mate, I was NOT trying to be seductive. ARGH.

So yeah, stupid trains at Christmas time... Though it would have made a great photo. from a birds eye view. 5 guys, all dressed in black suits with laptops on their knees and reading newspapers and one girl in a bright red skirt with an ipod and a media studies book balanced ontop an orange spotty purse, all jammed in together on 6 facing chairs. would have looked AWESOME

So come on guys, doesnt matter if you're on a train and worried about looking like a social retard becuase you're not conforming to the rule which says 'read your paper and be a grumpy arse'...just do it...break some rules and make someone's day! Maybe start singing some carols...i dare ya.


At 11:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha - great post! I would have helped you!

At 12:30 am, Blogger Ed Goode said...

I hate getting the train to Risboro' at rush hour...epecially when you don't get on early enough, and there's always the awkward eye contact with someone sitting next to an empty seat...still, it was worse in the summer when the line was closed...

At 5:03 pm, Blogger becci brown said...

hehe, thanks pod...i should think so too! ;)


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