Wednesday, December 21, 2005


the term has ended, hoorah, and i am back in aylesbury for a few days for christmas, then down to devon to visit my granparents and cousins

here's the plan stan.... (who is 'stan'?)

the last month or so I've kind of got undisciplined (possibly for the first time in my life!). It's felt kinda good and I actually quite needed it after a crazy couple of months but it's beginning to not be great. Not eating proper cooked meals, not hanging out with my friends enough-prefering to sit on my backside and watch TV with my housemates and call it spending time with my friends, not really doing much work...

I realised more today when i went to my home church prayer meeting and saw someone who had emailed me about 2 months ago about speaking at an evangelistic event at the church next term and I TOTALLY forgot to email back. And when I saw a couple of people who'd written to me and I hadn't replied. oops...

so it's not major but lack of discipline is a very slippery slope right into a pile of horse poo that you can never stand up and shake off...soon i'll be a hermit...ok I'm exaggerating. i really am exaggerating. what's a month?!

so, anyway, im looking forward to putting a bit of routine and a bit of home cooking into my life again. doing some work and spending time with friends and family.

It's nice too to breathe fresh air and run through fields like...erm, heidi...yeah, anyway.

It's good to be away from london and seriously think about what's on the agenda for the CU for next term. And to think about the committee and some new strategies etc etc etc...hmmmm...

It's good to have space to read and think and hang out with God.

No, it's not a 'new leaf' a 'resolution' those things are dum in my opinion cos they don't work and i usually end up hanging to those rather than grace. i like to think of myself as being...hmmm...YES that's IT...on a journey...aaaah, what a beautiful analogy...why has noone used that metaphor before? I'm a GENIUS.


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