Wednesday, November 23, 2005

mice and mountains

Grace bought my scattered longings closer to the source this weekend. Grace which gives me the freedom to hear God's voice say 'come' and to respond knowing im dressed in robes of righteousness. Grace which allows me the freedom to be who I am with God and with others. Grace that i see relfected powerfully in the lives of the chirstians i've encountered in london that i feel able to admit my mistakes, my issues, to cry and accept their ministry and prayers. It's a grace that in the last two years ive been discovering for the first time. I'm being awakened not only to the grace that saves me but the grace that sets me free now. Knowing I live by grace and am part of God's kingdon NOW.

And it's only that grace which draws my scattered longings back to the Source

I sat and cried over my essay today for the first time since i was school and having panics about exams.

What the heck?! It's an essay for goodness sake.

Forget the mousetrap, I feel like one very small mouse who has been told she needs to climb a big big mountain in 3 hours. But it's not actually a mountain at all. It's all in the mouse's mind.

In act of procrastination I went through some old postings. The above is what I wrote on this day last year in reflection of the CU houseparty. And indeed it's what I need to be reminded of right now too...


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