Wednesday, May 24, 2006

that was cool

I've started up a new project called 'hey, that was cool' and im looking for a community to join in. Whether, you stop my blog regularly or are one of those random 'next blog' clickers...consider this: Are you glass half empty or glass half full? Do you find yourself amazed at people who seem happy, able to be thankful for the random little happenings when you seem to forget them? (am i beginning to sound like a cheesy advert?) At the risk of cheese, i wanna experiment with my mindset and see if i can change my outlook by, everyday, for a year consciously finding somethig *different* to say 'hey, that was cool' to. Different, every day different. Like being thankful. Every day, for 365 days...Join in, I dare you...erhem, actually my experiment won't work unless you do...

so, set up your blog...whats good?


At 10:40 am, Blogger Nathan said...

Nice. I did this for a while a couple of years ago but I had to write them down as haikus! It was for a play I was devising! It's really cool. What involvement do you need from your blog devotees?

At 11:58 am, Blogger becci brown said...

set up your own blog like mine...and get started! then more details will follow.

At 4:30 pm, Blogger Fi said...

damn good idea :)

i'm in.




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